Vocational Expert Services
At Shultz Career Consulting, we offer vocational expert services including vocational assessments. Vocational assessments are valuable tools for identifying earning capacity and return to work options in legal matters related to employment, such as workers’ compensation, long-term disability, personal injury, divorce, wrongful termination, and discrimination cases.
A vocational assessment identifies realistic vocational options that will allow an injured worker to return to work with or without reasonable accommodations. Or, in some cases, the assessment results will show the injured worked is unable to return to work. Assessments consider interests, aptitudes, cognitive abilities, impairments, and mental health status as well as transferrable skills. The availability of jobs within the local economy and wages within the local labor market are included.

Our experts are objective, uphold the highest ethical standards, and utilize peer-reviewed methodologies for determining return to work options and wage-earning capacity. Additionally, we have a comprehensive menu of assessment instruments yielding the best results for our clients.
- We Are Able To Conduct Remote Testing Utilizing Instruments That Have Been Normed For Electronic Administration
- A Client Needs To Contact Their Attorney To Be Referred/Obtain A VE For Their Case
Labor Market Surveys
A Labor Market Survey (LMS) is a survey of current employers in the local labor market or specific geographical area. A LMS includes information regarding job openings, wages, and how the job is performed. The information is obtained by thoroughly accessing employment listings, researching employment statistics including wage data, and speaking directly with employers. LMS are geared towards specific jobs that would be appropriate for the individual based on their residual functional capacity (RFC). If no jobs exist in the local market that are within the individuals’ RFC, this would be a significant piece of evidence impacting the individual’s claim.
Wage Earning Capacity
Assessing wage earning capacity includes an analysis of the individual’s qualifications, training, and previous employment history considering residual functional capacity (RFC) and transferrable skills. This assessment is a tool in establishing an individual’s economic loss and provides recommendations within a reasonable degree of vocational certainty, regarding future earning potential.
Vocational Assessments
Vocational assessments are valuable tools for identifying earning capacity and return to work options in legal matters related to employment, such as workers’ compensation, long-term disability, personal injury, divorce, wrongful termination, and discrimination cases.
A vocational assessment identifies realistic vocational options that will allow an injured worker to return to work with or without reasonable accommodations. Or, in some cases, the assessment results will show the injured worked is unable to return to work. Assessments consider interests, aptitudes, cognitive abilities, impairments, and mental health status as well as transferrable skills. Availability of jobs within the local economy and wages within the local labor market are included.
Interested? Let's get in touch
We believe everyone has something to contribute and all persons have value. Contact us to learn more about career counseling options and pricing. Or schedule your free 30 minute phone consultation!