Shultz Career Consulting

Shultz Career Consulting provides quality career services to people of all age groups and ability levels. Finding a career that you love and that you are meant to do is a huge factor to someone’s overall happiness. Let us at Shultz Career Consulting help bring that happiness to your life.​

Shultz Career Consulting

High School Students

Mentoring program/Pre-employment and transition services/post-secondary counseling including college major selection and cost of attendance vs earning potential analysis, assistance in writing personal statements/college applications/applying for scholarships/financial aid.

College Students

Assistance with identifying internships, navigating on-campus resources including classroom accommodations, study skills coaching, selecting college major, job placement assistance including resume development, networking and personal branding (including linked in summaries), interview rehearsal, and 1:1 career counseling once on the job.


Career counseling to increase job satisfaction, navigate difficult situations on the job, prepare for performance reviews/salary negotiations; career assessment to identify transferable skills/ other occupations; professional resume upgrade, LinkedIn summaries, job placement.


Identifying a 2nd career; same services as adult (career counseling, assessment, resumes, interview coaching, job placement) Individuals with disabilities - advocacy, securing on the job accommodations, identifying resources; plus, all the same services above.


Myers-Briggs tests, pre-screened applicants, reduce hiring costs, increase employee retention, diversify workforce (meet 7 % DOL disabled worker criteria) outplacement.

Law Firms

Evaluations, labor market survey, in-person testimony.

Contact us to learn more about our career assessment and evaluation options and pricing.
Or schedule your free 30 minute phone consultation!

Career Consulting

Get personalized help that allows you to find the right direction for your career. Maximize satisfaction in your work life with the help of our Career Consulting services.
Vocational Expert Services

Young Adult Services

Transitioning from school life to work-life can be hard. Get pointed in the right direction with the help of our Young Adult Services.
Shultz Career Consulting

Vocational Consulting

An injured worker’s ability to return to work (RTW) is crucial in workers’ compensation and long-term disability claims. Vocational evaluations are valuable tools for identifying RTW options for disabled workers.
Employment News 2020

Schedule a 30-minute consultation With Shultz Career Consulting

Shultz Career Consulting provides quality career services to people of all age groups and ability levels. Finding a career that you love and that you are meant to do is a huge factor to someones overall happiness. Shultz Career Consulting help bring that happiness to your life.​